Wednesday 31 October 2018

What is E-commerce Application Architecture?

Under the umbrella of eCommerce Development Services, every day more business transactions are conducted on the internet. The main features which distinguish the e-commerce from traditional e-commerce are the ability for conducting business with spatially distributed partners and products, and also to achieve a considerable reduction in humanitarian efforts and latency time. The size and the complexity of e-commerce applications services make the architecture level of design and specification of the entire system, a significant issue. For an eCommerce website, every lost user represents a potential loss of turnover and the negative impact of the company’s brand image. About 79% of the internet users who are not satisfied with the performance of ecommerce website would not visit the site again.

On the basis of development, e-commerce has four types of e-commerce architecture such as client-server architecture, two or architecture, three-tier, and distributed enterprise architecture. In e-commerce websites, the first contentious point is Mysql. The basic principle of the architecture that we will show is to solicit the database as little as possible. This is why some of the good practices have to be respected in every architecture, one of the main ones being the micro services trend: the cutting of architecture in several independent services, which are specialized in one single track. In e-commerce, a client refers to the customers who request for certain services and the server refers to the business application with which the services are provided.

Why you should create a good E-commerce Architecture?

Some of the advantages of why should you create good e-commerce architecture are discussed below as:
·         Easier to Index
The search engine depends on the structure for discovering all the pages on your website. Without the use of structure, there is always a risk of leaving some pages unindexed. This is the only reason why to submit a sitemap is very important especially if you have a big e-commerce website.

·         Easier to Navigate
A good structure is not only good for the search engines but also good for your customers. Nothing is as scary to the customers as not finding what they are searching for and if you do not give them what they want at the moment that they need it they will bounce back and look somewhere else.

·         Google Featured Snippet
There has been much talk about Google featured snippets. These are the bits of information which you immediately see at the top of the page when you search for something. A lot of search engine optimization enthusiasts are now looking into snippets because of their ability to zoom to the top of the search engine.

How to create a good E-commerce Architecture?

For this, you do not have to do everything, instead of by doing one can already improve the architecture in an instant. Below are some of the key factors into account that described clearly about how to create good e-commerce architecture:
·         Determine your target keyword
You simply cannot skip to the structure right away. You are required to know what you are optimizing the structure for. For this, you require some keywords and there are many ways to uncover some target keywords.

·         Sort your keyword
If keyword will only remain as mere words, then they will not help you to rank for anything. It is with this reason that you have to transform them into product, names and also into the categories defined for each of the services.

·         Plan your website architecture
You may not proceed with tweaking your website structure without a plan. If you do that, then you will be like a gunman without the target and you will just be shooting bullets everywhere.

A website is ultimately a structure of pages and you must know well which page should at first and which on last. Not a website is more than a chronological arrangement of pages and can be little dynamic.

For more details regarding e-commerce website development services or e-commerce solution, you can reach us at